I’ve often pondered this question both as a reader and as a writer. It especially comes up when I’m trying to choose my next read. I love so many different romance writers and have so many books on my kindle that it can often be difficult to pick one book over another.

As a writer, I’ve been thinking about what makes me different to other romance authors while I’ve been updating my website and these blog posts. How can I show that my writing is different to someone else’s? What would make someone choose one of my books? In a world where there are so many amazing writers, how on earth can I compare?

During my extensive research (staring into space eating biscuits) I think I’ve managed to boil it down to three main differences.

Obviously there are the normal things that go into making a decision like the cover and blurb, but for me, there are three other things I consider when choosing a new book and focus on as a writer to make me stand apart.

The heat level

I wrote about this recently where I talked about why I write flirty romance but the sex happens off the page and you can catch up on that post here, but one of the biggest distinguishing factors in romance is the naughtiness level.

As a reader, there are times when I went something with more heat and sometimes I want something sweeter. Luckily, thanks to its diversity there are so many sub-genres of romance to choose from, readers are never stuck for something to read.

The emotional Journey

All characters undergo an emotional journey in a novel. It would be a pretty boring book if they didn’t!

In romance, the journey can take many forms from building a career, moving away, returning home, dealing with loss…the list goes on. That’s one of the reasons why I love this genre so much. There’s a story for every mood. Sometimes I want to read a love triangle with lots of tension, sometimes I want to read about someone rediscovering their roots. While some people might call it tropey, the execution makes every story different, even if they do have common themes.

And, never forget, different authors will touch on these differently. For example, some authors will really pull at my heart strings, while others take a slightly lighter approach. The breadth of the romance genre is its strength and that’s why it’s the best!


The final point that plays a part in my decision making, and I’m sure many others, is voice. It can be quite hard to define but voice is definitely a thing! Every authors book has a feel of its own and I’m not just talking about ‘big’ name writers like Jenny Colgan or Katie Fforde. Every writer has a voice that brings in different elements of soul and humour. It may sometimes be a subconscious choice but it definitely help me choose a book that suits my mood.

What pops into your head when you’re choosing your next read? Let me know in the comments!

Are you looking for your next feel-good read? Pre-order The Secrets of Meadow Farmhouse now!

Ever since she left home Amelia’s been enjoying her new life in Paris and has lost contact with everyone in the small English village of Meadowbank. But with the surprise inheritance of her childhood home, Meadow Farmhouse, Amelia has no choice but to return home to discover the secrets of her great-aunt’s past and face her feelings for first love Adam again.

Can Amelia finally confront the past and find where her heart truly calls home?


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash