It’s happening again! I’ve got a cover reveal! *Happy dances and waves hands in the hair madly*
The first time this happened I was overwhelmed with happiness and I can honestly say I am again. I’m also a bit terrified! Anyway, I’m really happy to show you the cover for the second book in the Little Theatre series. Please, everyone, take a look at … Summer Season on the Seafront!
Isn’t it pretty?! That sea makes you want to dive straight in, doesn’t it! Lottie and Sid are still around, as are the Greenley Players, but this time we’re taking a look at Sarah’s life and seeing what happens to her. I loved writing this book and I really hope you’ll enjoy reading it. It’s got some laugh-out-loud funny moments and I hope will melt your wee hearts a little too! It’s out in ebook on 10th June and in paperback on 22nd August, published by Harper Collins, HQ Digital.