Today I’m a little bit excited because I have an announcement to make!

 Cue drum roll please…

I’m opening up the blog to guest posts!

I’m so excited to be doing this because it means that my little website is growing in popularity and in order to keep that going, I need more content, not all of which I can write myself! So, here’s what I’m looking for:

  • Anything writing or publishing related

(And that means stuff from aspiring writers too! If you’re on a writing journey you have just as much to share as published writers so hit me up with your content!)

Let me know your writing tips, challenges, successes…anything and everything is welcome!

  • Book stuff!  Are there special books in your life? Books that inspire, books you want to shout about? Do you have a favourite book store, or something more topical to talk about? Send me what you’ve got!
  • Anything to do with gin! (You know I love my gin!) Gin recipes are always welcome and if any brands want to collaborate, hell, I’m all for it!
  • General lifestyle, self-care and wellness related content. I’ve always touched on this but it’s an area of the blog I want to grow.

Let’s keep it all positive though please. My blog is a place for sharing love and laughter. I’m not interested in anything mean or derogatory.

So, if you’ve got an idea or a post to share, then feel free to send your submission to

Please note that there is no remuneration for guest posts, but all posts will be credited to the author. Please supply images and make sure you have copyright, or are using them from a free site and are crediting the author.