I LOVE CHRISTMAS! And yes, I know I’m using shouty letters (sorry about that), but it’s because I absolutely, completely, 100%, totally LOVE Christmas! I love everything about Christmas. I love the anticipation, (which is why our tree goes up on the first of December), I love all the food and booze; I mean, when else can you legitimately drink prosecco at ten o’clock in the morning without being called a lush?

My kids are still small so I love Christmas Eve the most. We leave food out for Santa, which can be a bit odd because we let them choose whatever they want so the other year it was a lemon and a single frozen pea, but I have never laughed so much as when my husband had to bite into the lemon so it looked like Santa had had some! There’s the sprinkling of the reindeer food, watching Home Alone, and getting into our Christmassy jimjams. It’s just blissful!

Then the day itself arrives and the kids are up at stupid o’clock, the crazy gift giving over excitement begins and carries on all day until we crash and burn mid-afternoon with full bellies and all a tiny bit squiffy. Except for the kids who aren’t squiffy but have had more chocolate in one day than they’ve had all year.

But even after that you get the time leading up to New Year when you have no idea what day it is, the house is a mess, and you’re living off cold cuts and eating chocolate for breakfast! I just love it! Are you in the mood yet? I am!

But all this doesn’t happen without a lot of planning, and every mum out there knows just how much. That’s why in mid-November I crack out the spreadsheets! Oh yes, I have lists for everything and they’re even colour coded! We have a big extended family so there’s lots of nieces and nephews and presents to buy. It’s expensive, and my spreadsheet lets me keep track. I have one for presents and one for food and drink. As I buy bits each week I can put them to one side and grey them out on the spreadsheet. Is there anything more satisfying than greying things out on a spreadsheet? If you’ve never tried it, create one and have a go, you’ll see what I mean!

For me it means I can actually enjoy the whole of Christmas without wracking my brains all the time to remember stuff. It’s all written down and I know exactly what I’ve got to do. It also means I don’t end up with 27 bottles of gin and no turkey!

However you organise yourself this Christmas, if you do or don’t, I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a fantastic New Year!


What tips and tricks have you got to share? Let me know below!